
New to the Raising Your Barre technique? Try an Intro Class!

The Raising Your Barre technique uses a weekly class model. Monday classes are called Intro Classes. Every Monday is the start of a new class for the week, allowing clients to make REAL IMPROVEMENTS. This class focuses on teaching the fundamentals of the class: Placement, Positions, and Purpose or the 3 P’s. Placement is the way you hold your body in each position. Being in the correct position and placed properly makes all the difference in targeting the muscles you want. The third “P” is purpose, meaning knowing what it is you want to get out of the exercise. This is a key factor that most people unfortunately skip, causing a less successful outcome. While no previous experience in ballet or other techniques involved in the class is necessary, these classes are perfect for beginners and over-achievers. 


How to book


Ready to try a class?

STEP 1: Make your account on TeamUp. You can schedule a single class, a few classes, or purchase a membership

STEP 2: Download the app and start scheduling right from your phone.